Tatiana Alakseeva provided all the feedback and data I have on Stephan. If you have any more information you would like to share, please contact Daniela Barros.

Nobody knows why he was entered as EUR in Pawpeds; it is not like he was really coming from Europe. He should have been entered as an XSH. He was a Russian short-hair alley cat but carried the LH gene.
He was just a foundation from the Losiny Ostrov area, like a street cat taken there.

Tatyana Alakseeva shared a couple of photos of Stephan.

Elena Svishcheva Nikolaevna from Losiny Ostrov cattery had a nice golden female, Bukaschka, who did not want to mate with any male other than Stephan, so they used him to pass on Bukaschka’s blood.
They had two kittens in 1994: Bask iz Losinogo Ostrova and Batist Iz Losinogo Ostrova born 10/04/1994.

Several people wonder how to position a cat with Stephan in a group. Since Stephan is basically a “X” cat, meaning unknown but not a colourpoint, not a nem, and not even really an Eur SH, the question is not relevant to the groups he is considered “neutral.”