Welcome to Siberian breeders guide and club.
Siberian cats are becoming very popular all around the world. This popularity is not only due to the hypoallergenic factor but also because of their wonderful temperament, good health and beauty.
If like me, you fell in love with Siberians and want to start a breeding program, this web site was created with the help of experienced breeders, feline judges and experts for you Siberians breeders to be and new breeders in need of guidance and help.
If you are already Siberian breeder and think this beautiful natural breed should be preserved without interference of other breeds, please have a look in our club page and Forum.
Daniela Barros.
Here you will learn:
- The history of the breed and clarification about the Neva question.
- How to check the whole genealogy of a cat before buying studs and queens and how to use all the available pawpeds tools (test mating, foundation analyses, inbreeding levels).
- How to pick the best matches.
- Help educating your eye regarding Siberian type.
- Help also regarding health issues: how to join a health program, which tests you should do in your cats and frequency of each test. Information about inbreeding, line breeding and outcrosses.
- Several useful articles and a listing of Siberian catteries by country.